Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So much for starting a 'journal'.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I am going to start a new journal!
I am going to try and post a journal every day but with school it might not happen.
Here is today's post:
Dear Journal,
Today is December 14, 2008 and I haven't done much. Yesterday I went to the Used Game Store and Guitar Hero for the DS was only 45 credits. You can get credits by turning in old game systems or games that you don't play. I turned in my Gameboy SP and got like 45 credits and got a bonus for making an account.... But I had 43 credits and I really wanted Guitar Hero (I had rented it before and really liked it!)
I got it!!! My mom payed an extra $2 so that I could get it! But we are going to make dog treats now so I have to go!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Countdown & MySpace Layouts

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Create your own glittery text at

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Create your own glittery text at

This is Tabby she is 11 years old. She knows sooo many tricks that I can't count them all!!!
She is a Boxer, Shepard, and Chow. It may sound like she is REALLY wild but she is VERY calm...

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Create your own glittery text at

This is Lilly, she is a full Pomeranian. On November 15th she will be 4 years old. She is REALLY scared of Brownie, she walked up to Lillly's back leg and Lilly ran as fast as she could under the kitchen table!!!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Create your own glittery text at

This Cinnamon our cat we have had her for quite a while. She is a mostly Siamese and a little bit of something else. She is really old as you might be able to see because of her white mouth.

We don't give her treats as much as we used to (we used to buy cat treats, but she would never eat them...)